Monday 27 October 2008

A quiet storm (in the space of a week.)

Okay, so lately, I've probably not been pulling my weight like I should be with all the uni work coming in my direction. I mean, it is my second year, I should be pushing on much harder and regain that form towards the end of last semester and put in all the hours of work that is needed to gain skills and truely become successful and not be another 'could have been'. However, for those of you who know, recent events were difficult at the time - however now it's all good and dandy again. : ) As much as I haven't been pulling my weight, this does not mean I've been doing nothing, so thanks to the wonders of 'officials' and 'board rooms' at the 'powers that be' I have a reading week. Enough time to catch up on all modules and be ready to go from next Monday onwards and hopefully boost my hopes of getting higher grades, higher hopes and better work. It's one thing to talk about it, but to do is another - and of course the most important.

So far today I have put all my efforts in my illustration module and it's coming along well. Taking a short break to write this and I will get back to the pages and pages of doodling and idea experimentations. I'm quite happy to have settled with the idea I have. For now, the consumption of hair is all I will say. Hopefully as this progresses in the next few weeks and even when it gets to the book binding stage it'll be a strong representation of a journey that works on every level. As I progress throughout my modules, I'll try to update this place with work to possibly showcase skills to onlookers who may need some work.

Returning to the point of my ridiculous post title, 'A quiet storm (in the space of week.)' - it's now or never really, all my modules have to be that step further to proving that I want to do this and that I will do this. With or without the help of anyone. So, before I shoot back to doing work like a good little boy, here's a very quick doodle to do with my illustration project that made me smile after I drew it, mainly 'cos of the simplicity and it was a probable accident. Low detail, effective message? I don't know.

Saturday 18 October 2008

Slewdem Stickorzzz.

Well, I've got my first set of stickers as a part of some promotional stuff that I thought I should eventually get round to doing. It's kinda uni related for once. These are just some first drafts, I think slowly as time goes on I would like to get some more thought provoked, better looking ones out there. For now though, it'll do.

Monday 13 October 2008

Saturday 4 October 2008

Back to uni...

Well, first week back is over... I've got four quite hefty, but very free modules. Best get a move on!