Friday 30 May 2008

A conspiracy in conjunction with the BBC!

This morning, I shot up as soon as the alarm went off at nine... the first one was at eight. I woke Leanne up as well as she promised she would come to uni with me to pick up my results. She had sleepy eyes, she was really cute. Well, yes, as you can guess by now, we made our way to my lovely (I use that term very loosely) university, where I began a dig for my folders underneath the piles of work. I managed to seek out my result sheets though, and they read as follows...

Visual Research: Illustration - 68% - B
Design for Persuasion - 65% - B
Design for Change - 58 % - C

Seems I missed out on a B in Design for Change (where I expected the lowest grade anyways) and by two percent on a first/A in Illustration. I'm happy though, it's a significant improvement from the last semester. I have one more module to come and that's the essay [Thinking Design]. I hope that I did well on that, I devoted days on it last week trying to perfect it and I got a bit lazy towards the end I hope I equal the contextual subjects mark from last semester and get another B or even better... I did miss out on an A by two percent on it last time. Stupid grading system, it's a conspiracy. No matter, C and above in this final module, which I assume I collect next Friday as we had a weeks extension on it. Either way, it'll have been a rather successful first year, passing everything despite it being difficult, especially at the beginning and the middle. Glad it's ending on a somber high... though isn't that a juxtaposition of two moods? Hmm. I don't know, I know what I meant, I think. Well, 'til next time folks, keep it 'massive'.

All 'octopussy' things to come!

Well, the title... it isn't big and it isn't clever. I guess I should say, 'hello'. Weclome ...hang on, weclome? Welcome! Welcome, to my blog. I will most likely keep track of anything 'artistic' or 'creative' I do. You see, I have just completed the first year of my BA in Graphic Design, so I thought I should finally get professional about things, seeing as the next two years are degree years and that the industry is fucking competitive. Basically, this whole short paragraph or composite of words is just to welcome you to the blog.

So, how are you today? I am good, thanks for asking myself that. Like I said, it's not big, it's not clever might be a little funny. Listen, very little food and lack of smarts is something not to be desired on a Thursday afternoon, it is Thursday yes? Yes, yes... thought so. Wow, this is turning out to be more thoughts than stuff? Wicked. Look, I'm sure I will post something constructive and even nice soon. For now it's just words, I will try to keep this thing updated over the summer to keep myself busy 'creatively'.

 Over the past weekend, I decided to contribute to one of my sketchbooks and I didn't quite know what would come out of my hand as I started drawing, but it seems, it's an elderly vision of me from the future (thanks for noticing that Leanne) - I guess this is what I will [half] look like when I am older. You be the judge.